
Arduino Programming Introduction to Arduino: So what is Arduino? It is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software, used for building electronics projects. Open-source may sound like a foreign word but its meaning is quite simple, all it actually means is that its source code is made freely available for possible modification and redistribution. Maker Uno Kit The maker uno board consists of 10 different parts. It has Piezo Buzzer slide switch Piezo Buzzer Power Pin Analog Pin Micro USB B Type connector Rest Button Programmable Button Series of LED for Digital I/O PWM Pin Digital Pin Figure 1: Components of Maker Uno Board and their functions This is the cable that comes with the Maker-Uno kit and is used to connect the Maker-Uno board to a computer or laptop with Arduino programming installed. Code can then be made with the program and once the code has been uploaded, the USB cable can be plugged in to any power source for it t...