CAD For this week's blog, what we did: -A refresher on how to use the CAD software - Teaming Skills and Tools Team skills and tools: What we did for team skills and tools was to establish rules and roles within our group. Roles of each member and their responsibilities: The team leader of this group is Nick Tay. What he will be doing for the group is organising the members, allocation of tasks, leading group discussions and resolve arguments within the group if the situation ever arises. The role that I have is the time keeper. I will be in charge of managing time during our weekly discussions be it face to face or online. I will have to ensure that we don't exceed the amount of time we were given and ensure we don't waste time on things that are irrelevant to the project. The role of Anwar is to be the scribe. He will take note of the important details we may have discussed during the online meetings so that it'll be easier for us to access and revisit if need be....