

Welcome to my blog :D

Hello :D welcome to my blog. I'm Xavier from DCHE/FT/2B/01 from team KANX. In this blog I will be documenting my journey and experience of learning this new module called Chemical Product Design & Development (CPDD or CP5070). When I first saw what I would be learning in this module, I got pretty excited as I found out that I would get to learn things like 3D printing, laser cutting and Arduino programming which I did before in secondary 2. My experience with Arduino programming at that time though was very limited as I was more proficient with the wiring and was tasked with doing that. 

Some things about me
I'm a person that likes trying new things. I wouldn't really say I have a hobby as I do many things. Some of the things I do in my spare time is gaming, playing chess, watching anime and as for cca I'm currently in SP Judo. Some things I have tried are bungee jumping, skiing and ice skating etc.

Goals I have for this module
The goals I have for this module is to enjoy myself while learning new skills that I would be able to use for projects and maybe in the future as well. The skills I would like to have is to be more proficient in the use of CAD. This would allow me to be faster and more efficient and be able to make more complex designs with lesser time. The other goal I would like to achieve is something that's leaning more towards soft skills as its importance has been increasing in the work place and something that employers are seeking out. The skills that I would want to develop is to have more effective communication.

Some strategies I have in mind to get better at using CAD is to simply practice. I personally don't think that there is any short cuts to learning and getting better at using CAD other than to practice.

The strategy which I would use to improve my communication skills is to ask for feedback about how to ask questions and other things and to take that feedback with an open mind. With that feedback feedback, I will reflect and think about what I can change. 


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