For this week's blog, what we did:
-A refresher on how to use the CAD software 
-Teaming Skills and Tools
Team skills and tools:
What we did for team skills and tools was to establish rules and roles within our group. 

Roles of each member and their responsibilities:
  • The team leader of this group is Nick Tay. What he will be doing for the group is organising the members, allocation of tasks, leading group discussions and resolve arguments within the group if the situation ever arises.
  • The role that I have is the time keeper. I will be in charge of managing time during our weekly discussions be it face to face or online. I will have to ensure that we don't exceed the amount of time we were given and ensure we don't waste time on things that are irrelevant to the project.

  • The role of Anwar is to be the scribe. He will take note of the important details we may have discussed during the online meetings so that it'll be easier for us to access and revisit if need be. It can also be used to help fill us in if there are any of us which could not attend the meeting.

  • The role of Kieran is to be the target setter which is to set goals and ensure we can meet those goals by making plans. 
Rules we have set:

  • Everyone has to be punctual if we have an agreed meeting
  • Everyone needs to do contribute and do their part
  • We have to give feedback honestly 
  • We have to have an open mind when receiving feedback
  • Submit quality work
CAD refresher
This is the first piece of work we had to do. It was a refresher on how to use CAD which required us to make the keyring which we had done last semester. 
The first step was to sketch a rectangle the on the grid using the 'SKETCH' button under the 'SOLID'. You would want to make the rectangle like this
The next step is to use the 'OFFSET' button under the modify section and make the offset 2mm like this
The third step is to fillet the corners and the change would be by 5mm. The fillet button is also under the modify section. When you are done, it should look like this.
The next step is to create a line by pressing the 'LINE' button under 'SOLID'. Afterwards right click the line and select normal/ construction. Select 'DIMENTION' and click both lines and make the distance between them 7mm. After which draw a point in the middle of the line. How you know if its on the middle is that Fusion360 will help snap you into the point and there will be a triangle to indicate.

The 5th step is to draw a 5mm circle from the point that we have just created by pressing the button with a circle shape. After which press the 'CREATE' button and select 'SKETCH' after which put whatever text you want after selecting where you want to put it. 
What I have decided to write is hello onto the back of my keyring as you can see below but u can choose to write anything else.
After which press the extrude button and select base and extrude it 3mm. Then hide all bodies from the page except for sketch by pressing the eye button. Select the border and the text you have and select extrude and put in 1.5mm and at the start section select offset plane and put 3mm under the offset value. Once you are done click on the eye of body and sketch to be able to see the body and not the sketch. And with that u are done :D


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